“To be disciples of Jesus, he Lamb of God, means replacing malice with innocence, force with love, pride with humility, and prestige with service; to live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us”

Pope Francis

We are a Misionary Community

We are gathered to be disciples of The Lamb of God, Jesus-the revelation of the Father’s love, who takes away the sins of the world. We are lay, religious and clergy striving to be like lambs. With the least of Jesus’ brethren (MT 25:40), we stand in the gap, and, together, lead in transforming the world and society, participating in the transmission of the fullness of Catholic life. We are sent like lambs to proclaim His peace and expand His kingdom.

Formed in The Way of Jesus, The Lamb

By equipping us with gifts of prophetic witnessing, teaching and healing in accordance with our baptism; serving without reciprocation; by accepting failures and vulnerability, imperfection and insecurity; by imitating the character of The Lamb – His meekness and humility.

Called to Holiness

By remaining in Jesus’ love in the Holy Eucharist (JN 15:4); safeguarded by “the spirits” of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, and living a lifestyle of listening, atoning, mediating and bearing the burdens of the weak.

To be a Leaven of Hope

By permeating the spirits of hope and compassion, confidence and fidelity, sacrifice and joy, especially among families, renewed with missionary zeal.

In the World

By being instruments of God’s providence, bridging the gap between rich and poor.

Through a Life of Prayer

By discerning, interceding, animated by diversity of gifts of the Holy Spirit, as covenanted, discipled, servants of The Lamb.

And Works of Charity

By immersing with the lost, the wounded, the chronically ill, the unchurched, those on the periphery, empowering them for integral development as leaders of change, replicating Lamb leadership, developing a culture of generosity and works of mercy.


In brief, we are about

  1. Transforming the world and society in building up the Body of Christ, expanding His Kingdom
  2. Empowering the poor we serve, the least of Jesus’ brethren by standing in the gap
  3. By following the spirituality and charism of The Lamb of God, Jesus, who leads us and bring us to the springs of life-giving water (Rev. 7:17).


  1. To participate in the work of Jesus, The Lamb.
  2. To Stand In The Gap between God, creation and society
  3. To be disposed and ready for the wedding feast of The Lamb. How do you participate, stand in the Gap, and be disposed?


“Your apostolate with our poor brethren is God’s manifestation of His unending love and care for His people, especially to the needy, the least, the lost and the poor” Bishop Jose Corazon T. Talao-oc.

There are many ways to emulate Jesus’ particular way of service – his obedience, poverty, chastity, preaching, life of prayer, his teaching or healing, his works of justice and mercy. On our part, we emphasize the imitation of The Lamb, Jesus, in his life of sacrificial agape love. We are open to be formed in the way of The Lamb, imprinting His character in us by the power of the Holy Spirit and following Him as “sent like lambs” (Lk 10:3).

We choose to engage in the work of generous giving and self-sacrifice.

We participate in the transmission of this covenant love with God, to combat evil and sin by living His word, works, and life of worship, in witnessing His presence, and passing down this unbreakable permanent relationship of fidelity.

We choose to live this journey and consecrate our life to The Lamb by our daily offerings. “To whom shall we go(Jn 6:68)?” The Lamb, Jesus, has the words of eternal life and this is His eternal word: We are loved, and He has proven this love on the Cross!

The Father provides The Lamb. The Father sent His beloved Son, The Lamb of Sacrifice.

Therefore, we listen to The Lamb of God, Jesus, atone for sins, mediate between God and humanity to bring and permeate the Spirit of The Lamb in every strata of life, bearing burdens, serving those He has called us to serve – the least of His brethren, the poor, the lost, the un-churched, the brokenhearted, the chronically ill…

II. Stand In The Gap:

“I send you like lambs” (Lk 10:3).
God provides the lambs for the offering.
We are responding to this call of Jesus, who is forever interceding (Heb 7:25), on His behalf and the least of His brethren. We commit ourselves to standing in the gap, between God and those that are distant from God.

All of us, individually and collectively, participate in the ministry of Jesus by channeling His grace – The Lamb drawing everyone to Himself, through His Body, in transforming society, building his Kingdom of a new heaven and a new earth.
Jesus, wounded but victorious Lamb, leads us and brings us to the spring of life-giving water (Rev 7:17).

III. Be Disposed

“Be Holy as the Father is Holy” (Lev 19:2).
“You are invited to the wedding feast of The Lamb” (Rev 19:9).
The vision of The Lamb we see in the future and the work we are doing are fashioning us today to be like Jesus. We are open for this makeover, preparing and making ready, to be properly disposed for the face-to-face heavenly embrace of the Bride, the Church, with Her Bridegroom, The Lamb.
